Linggo, Disyembre 18, 2011

Educational Technology 2 (Course Syllabus)


2nd Semester, 2011-2012

Course Code: MSC 132
Course Title: Educational Technology II
Contact Hours: 54 Hours
Credit Units: 3 Units
Pre-requisite: Educational Technology I  
 Course Description:

      The subject “Educational Technology II” is a three (3) unit course designed to introduce both traditional and innovative technologies to facilitate and foster meaning ful and effective learning. Students are expected to demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature, application and production of the various types of educational technologies.

Course Objectives:

  1. To lend familiarization on how educational technology can be utilized as the media for the avenues teaching-learning process in the school.
  2. To impart skills in planning, designing, using, and evaluating the technology-enriched teaching and learning process.
  3. To provide education in the use of technology in instruction by providing knowledge and skills on technology integration-in-instruction to learners.
  4. To impart learning experiences in instructional technology-supported instructional planning.
  5. To acquaint students on information technology or IT-related learning theories with the computer as a tutor.
  6. To engage learners on practical technology integration issues including IT classrooms, use of the internet for learning, cooperative learning through the use of information technology.

  Course Requirements:
  • Written reports
  • Research papers
  • MS Office Outputs
  • Teaching demonstration
  • E-portfolio
  • Instructional Video

Course Content:

     Chapter I: Background, Information and Overview:

               1.1. A Review of Educational Technology 1
               1.2. An Overview of Educational Technology 2
               1.3. Educational Technology in the Asia Pacific Region

     Chapter II: Inclinations to Educational Technology

               2.1. Basic Concepts on Integrating Technology in Instruction
               2.2. State-of-the-Art ET Application Practices

     Chapter III: The Role of IT in Educational Technology
               3.1. IT Enters A New Learning Environment
               3.2. IT for Higher Thinking Skills and Creativity
               3.3. Higher Thinking Skills Through IT-Based Projects

     Chapter IV: Computers as the Third Revolution in Education

               4.1. Computers as Information and Communication Technology
               4.2. The Computers as a Tutor
               4.3. The Computer as the Teacher’s Tool

     Chapter V: Use of Technology in Teaching-Learning Process

               5.1. I.T. in Support of Student-Centered Learning
               5.2. Cooperative Learning with the Computer
               5.3. The Software as an Educational Resource
               5.4. Understanding Hypermedia
               5.5. The Internet and Education

     Chapter VI: Application/Softwares Commonly Used in Education 
                        / Hands-on Activities

              6.1. MS Office Applications
                      6.1.1. MS Word Basics
                      6.1.2  MS Powerpoint Basics
                      6.1.3. MS Excel Basics
              6.2. Adobe Photoshop Basics
              6.3. Windows Movie Maker Basics


         Paz I. Lucido, Educational Technology 1, Philippines, Q.C., 2008   
         Paz I. Lucido, Educational Technology 2, Philippines, Manila, 2007
         Brenda B. Corpuz, Principles of Teaching 1, Philippines, Quezon City, 2007
         Gloria G. Salandanan , Principles and Strategies of Teaching, Phil., Q. C., 2007

***Subject to change without prior notice.

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