Martes, Disyembre 27, 2011


Educational technology is a process of trial and error, imitation, individual creativity and persuasion. Now a days we have different kinds of instructional media that can help us to facilitate the learning styles of our students like the computer, theater films and television program, from the use of chalk and blackboards and textbooks we are now on the modern ore computer age where in all the information’s and things that we need to know can easily find by just clicking or surfing from the different sites that we have in our computer and I think after twenty years the educational technology that we have in our country will be more modern, efficient and effective so that the students learning will improve base on their needs. The school in rural and urban areas has their own computer laboratories and smart boards where the students can get information’s for their subjects that they have in school. The teachers are equipped with knowledge in using the modern gadgets that we have in education like computers and smart boards and there are seminars for teachers on how to do some applications so that teacher can teach the students effectively because he/she cannot teach the students if he/she doesn’t know how to open and operate the gadgets or instructional media. The students has an equal opportunity to have a quality education because in our country that is one of the issue that we need to settle down the inequality of poor and rich students, that’s why a lot of poor students who graduated are not usually employed in a company that they want because there is always a discrimination. 

Linggo, Disyembre 18, 2011



                Crochet is a needlework done by interlocking looped stitches formed by a single thread and a hooked needle.

·         Crochet hooked              
·         Crochet thread

  • PROCEDURE      
How to hold crochet hook and thread   

With your right/left hand, hold a crochet hook lightly between your thumb and forefinger with a middle finger at the tip of the hook.
                To hold the thread
                                When working with the ball of thread, start with a end found in a middle of the ball.
1.       Hold the thread in your left hand.
Pass the thread under the ring and middle fingers and over you work

2.       Wind the thread ones around your little finger to control the flow of the thread.
a.       Pass hook under the thread and catch it with hook         
b.      Draw yarn through loop on hook.
c.       Continue yarn round hook and draw to a new loop until you complete the number of chain

  Single crochet
      a.       Insert hook into chain under the two  upper strands and draw up a loop.
      b.      Thread over hook and draw through the two loops.
      c.       Complete one single crochet and repeat from one to two.
      d.      Continue working on the rows by making chain at the end of every row then turn and insert hook into the last stitch of the previous row under the two upper strands.


Written Report



DISCUSSANT: Estiller, Jackielyn A.
DATE: December 16, 2011

v  To discuss the different conceptual models of learning.
v  To appreciate the importance of a new learning environment by the use of conceptual models.
v  To classify the differences between the conceptual models

Education now a days is changing from the traditional to the use of technology as a medium o9f instruction and as a teacher we need to have different strategies that can help the students to learn and enjoy the learning process. These  models of meaningful learning, discovery learning, generative learning and constructivism are the one that can help us to have effective interaction with the students.

            CONTENT: Conceptual models
            SUB TOPIC: Meaningful learning, Discovery learning, Generative learning, and Constructivism.

It focuses to new experiences that are related to what the learner already knows. it assumes that:
v  Students already have some knowledge that is relevant to new learning
v  Students are willing to perform class work to find connections between what they already know and what they can learn

The students perform task to uncover what is to be learned.
It viewed students as active learner who can attend to learning events, it is different from the simple process of storing information.
In constructivism, the learner builds a personal understanding through appropriate learning activities and good learning environment. The most accepted principles are:
v  Learning consists in what person can actively assemble for himself and not what he can receive passively.
v  T he role of learning is to help the individual live/adapt to his personal world.
Three practical implications:
v  The learner is directly responsible for learning.
v  The context of meaningful learning consists in the learner “connecting” his school activity with real life.
v  The purpose of education is the acquisition of practical and personal knowledge, not abstract or universal truths.
The common themes for the four learning domains:
v  Are active, purposeful learners
v  Set personal goals and strategies to achieve these goals
v  Make their learning experiences meaningful and relevant to their lives.
v  Seek to build an understanding of their personal worlds so they can work/live productively.
v  Build on what they already know in order to interpret and respond to new experiences
Rote learning - a mechanical repetition like memorization
Reception learning- an act of receiving the information or ideas
Integration- to bring together the parts or information
Model- a pattern of something to be made
Innovative- to make alteration or changes in something already established

Conceptual models is use to see how effective teachers best interact with students in innovative learning activities while integrating technology. These models are the Meaningful learning that focuses on the new experiences that is related to what learner already knows, Discovery learning that is different from reception because it is about the performance or  tasks that can help the students to unlocked or uncover  what is to be learned, Generative learning that viewed the students as active learners who can attend to learning events and generate meanings from the experience and lastly the constructivism, Constructivism makes the learner build their personal understanding through appropriate learning activities.


I.T Enters a new learning environment, different models and strategies is very important in every teacher especially now that we are in a computer age that can help the students to learn more, I think by the use of these models we can improve the learning process of the students especially if we know how to use and implement the proper way to capitalize the learning style of the students. Conceptual models can help us to be an effective teacher but we also need to remember that we have different kinds of students that have different kinds of learning style.


  1. What is the domain that focuses on the experiences of the students?
  2.  The domain that helps the student to uncover what is to be learned is_________?
  3. The domain that viewed the students as active learner that can attend learning events is the__________.
  4. The domain that helps the learner to build their own understanding through appropriate activities is the_______?
  5. The model that helps us to see the effectiveness of teacher in the interaction to the students is the_______?

  1. Meaningful learning
  2. Discovery learning
  3. Generative learning
  4. Constructivism
  5. Conceptual models

v  Educational technology 2 by: Paz Lucido page: 35-39

Educational Technology 2 (Course Syllabus)


2nd Semester, 2011-2012

Course Code: MSC 132
Course Title: Educational Technology II
Contact Hours: 54 Hours
Credit Units: 3 Units
Pre-requisite: Educational Technology I  
 Course Description:

      The subject “Educational Technology II” is a three (3) unit course designed to introduce both traditional and innovative technologies to facilitate and foster meaning ful and effective learning. Students are expected to demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature, application and production of the various types of educational technologies.

Course Objectives:

  1. To lend familiarization on how educational technology can be utilized as the media for the avenues teaching-learning process in the school.
  2. To impart skills in planning, designing, using, and evaluating the technology-enriched teaching and learning process.
  3. To provide education in the use of technology in instruction by providing knowledge and skills on technology integration-in-instruction to learners.
  4. To impart learning experiences in instructional technology-supported instructional planning.
  5. To acquaint students on information technology or IT-related learning theories with the computer as a tutor.
  6. To engage learners on practical technology integration issues including IT classrooms, use of the internet for learning, cooperative learning through the use of information technology.

  Course Requirements:
  • Written reports
  • Research papers
  • MS Office Outputs
  • Teaching demonstration
  • E-portfolio
  • Instructional Video

Course Content:

     Chapter I: Background, Information and Overview:

               1.1. A Review of Educational Technology 1
               1.2. An Overview of Educational Technology 2
               1.3. Educational Technology in the Asia Pacific Region

     Chapter II: Inclinations to Educational Technology

               2.1. Basic Concepts on Integrating Technology in Instruction
               2.2. State-of-the-Art ET Application Practices

     Chapter III: The Role of IT in Educational Technology
               3.1. IT Enters A New Learning Environment
               3.2. IT for Higher Thinking Skills and Creativity
               3.3. Higher Thinking Skills Through IT-Based Projects

     Chapter IV: Computers as the Third Revolution in Education

               4.1. Computers as Information and Communication Technology
               4.2. The Computers as a Tutor
               4.3. The Computer as the Teacher’s Tool

     Chapter V: Use of Technology in Teaching-Learning Process

               5.1. I.T. in Support of Student-Centered Learning
               5.2. Cooperative Learning with the Computer
               5.3. The Software as an Educational Resource
               5.4. Understanding Hypermedia
               5.5. The Internet and Education

     Chapter VI: Application/Softwares Commonly Used in Education 
                        / Hands-on Activities

              6.1. MS Office Applications
                      6.1.1. MS Word Basics
                      6.1.2  MS Powerpoint Basics
                      6.1.3. MS Excel Basics
              6.2. Adobe Photoshop Basics
              6.3. Windows Movie Maker Basics


         Paz I. Lucido, Educational Technology 1, Philippines, Q.C., 2008   
         Paz I. Lucido, Educational Technology 2, Philippines, Manila, 2007
         Brenda B. Corpuz, Principles of Teaching 1, Philippines, Quezon City, 2007
         Gloria G. Salandanan , Principles and Strategies of Teaching, Phil., Q. C., 2007

***Subject to change without prior notice.

Reflection # 1

computer head 

          Technology is now widely use in different countries it helps us to improve all the activities that we have, it helps us to finish our work easier especially if we are a very busy person that has a lot of things to do, it also helps us in doing our assignment and research paper because we can easily access all the information’s that we needed, it helps us to communicate with other people in just a second even though they are far from us. Technology is really helpful but like other gadgets that we have there is dis- advantages in using technology because it is can affect the lifestyle, attitude and beliefs of the user especially to the students who forgot to study their lesson because they know that they can do copy paste if the teacher ask them to do some research about their lesson, the students now a days is not interested about the different curricular activities because of the on-line games and computer shop around the school . Technology is really important in improving our educational system but if we do not know how to use it properly it can also be a hindrance to the students.

About Me

I am Jackielyn A. Estiller 20 years old, I was born on the 10th day of December 1991 and I am the youngest among my four siblings, I am now taking up a bachelor of secondary education major in technology and livelihood education, it is my dream come true because I really love to teach especially to the students who have the eagerness to learn even if they don’t have enough money. I want to teach in rural areas after I finish this course because I know that there’s a lot of students in rural areas who cannot afford to go to school. I also love playing volleyball even though it gives me scars and wounds because it is really enjoyable. Butterfly is also my favorite because it is very colorful and according to the American and Indian myths if you have a wish that you want to be granted look for a butterfly and whisper your wish and it will be granted and your wish will surely a secret because butterfly cannot speak.
                I am a jolly person I always smile to everyone even if I don’t know him/her because according to psychology if you smile they will think you are a type of person is easily to approach. I have a positive outlook in life I always see everything as a obstacles that I need to finish but I am also emotional especially if I cannot explained my side or feelings to someone because  I’m afraid to hurt him/her. I am open to anyone I don’t hide everything about me because I want my friend to accept me from who I am and not by the one that I portray.
                I am just a simple person who can be a friend to anyone but when someone betray me I cannot accept him/her anymore because I always believe that if someone can hurt you ones and you give him/her another chance maybe he/she can do it again and again that’s why I give My trust to anyone only ones.